IRIZE - Addressing Period Poverty On My University Campus - Version 2.0

Summary of Work

  • Developed strategies involving policy change, funding support, and creating awareness for the purpose of alleviating period poverty on the UW Tacoma campus

  • Designed a brand with a logo, colors, and fonts using Adobe Illustrator

  • Created 2 types of marketing collateral and a petition using Canva

  • Contacted and had meetings with 4 different stakeholders

  • Held a user interview, held a stakeholder interview, and ran a survey as part of user research

  • Ran in-person and online moderated usability tests with 8 participants


IRIZE strives to provide resources and sustainable menstrual products on the UWT campus to all people who may struggle to access them. By working to eliminate the stigma surrounding menstrual health and increasing access to necessary products, we will create a more equitable and inclusive campus environment for all.

Design Process

Our design process started with identifying the biggest problems in providing free products on campus by doing user research. We held a user interview and a stakeholder interview as well as ran a survey. This provided the findings that the top problems were awareness of the issue as well as the sustainability of providing products.

From this, our team developed multiple pieces in our first design iteration including a logo, marketing collateral, a petition, and a donation box. We used Adobe Illustrator to create a logo for bathroom dispensers on campus. Canva was used to produce fliers, social media posts, and a brand kit to increase awareness of our mission and available menstrual products. We also created a petition on Canva to encourage UW Tacoma leadership to fund and establish long-term sustainability of period products.

To improve on our designs, we ran 8 in-person and online moderated usability tests. Participants were given a list of tasks and scenarios as well as a questionnaire after the test. Based on the findings from these usability tests, we were able to create our second design iteration.

Design Graphics

Next Steps

Although this started as just a school project, it has now grown into so much more than that. Our team has grown in size including members part of the student government, other clubs on campus, and various staff members. Everyone is very passionate about the cause and hopes to continue to build on what the IRIZE project has started.

Our next steps include:

  • Continue with petitioning

  • Hosting an event on campus to help create awareness of the issue

  • Coordinate with stakeholders for funding and support


Creating Visual Designs and Website Content at Tacoma Public Schools


Developing Social Media Content at Degrees of Change